Shlomo Dharma

International expert in healthy nutrition and understanding of true health.


Shlomo Dharma is the developer of a new cleansing methods that combine ancient knowledge with many years of current experience.
With 27 years of experience as a natural healer, iridologists’ diagnostician (retinal reading) reiki Master and specializing in Tibetan pulse medicine.
Shlomo created a new perspective and healing technology that effects thousands of people around the world.
Over the years, Shlomo has included the method of detoxifying the body from MDT to a precise, tested, controlled, safe and healthy formula used today in BODYFLOW workshops.
The Vision
“To erase the ignorance of the past, which stems from fear of change and to grow, to purify the toxins that stem from the fear and habits that it created on a deeper level. To create an understanding of how the body actually works physically, emotionally, and on a cosmic levels.
To experience openness thus understanding that unity is the essence of Human society.
Modern society has moved away from the roots and sources of harmony with nature – it has not grown with nature but at the expense of nature – a process created due to emotional impotence that can lead to cruelty in which we occupy our environment for profit and comfort.
My vision is not to go back in time, but to add to all the amazing technology created in the West, the deep bond with Mother Earth, the plant and animal world from which we came. This integration can take humanity forward, to a healthy and creative life, with almost no disease (most of which stems from detachment), with much more creativity, joy and brotherhood and unity, when the difference between race, religion and people themselves will bring growth, love and inspiration.”

Life Story:
Shlomo was born in Jerusalem in 1964, as a young man he traveled to India, where he began his spiritual journey: “Before the spiritual journey, I was very much a” down to earth ” kind of person.
During my stay in India, I had a Mystical experiences which proved to me that there are many more than just the five senses we know of, and studies to the Reiki Master level and received many nutritional nutrition and iridology courses through courses and programs by Bernard Jensen – a world-renowned expert on purifying the body through fasting, healthy food and hydrotherapy.
In 1990, during his stay in India, Shlomo joined the Osho International Center in Pune, where he completed four years of study in Tibetan Pulse Medicine and Iridology (retinal reading).
In 1995, Shlomo returned to Israel and founded a clinic in Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv, to cleanse the body of toxins, combining all the techniques he learned; “I came back to Israel with great desire and motivation to change the world.” I set up a clinic for energetic therapy, but soon discovered that energetic therapy was not enough to create a fundamental change in people’s lives.
I began to study purification and upgrading of the body in order to anchor energy empowerment in a suitable way of life. “
In the manner of the Indian-mystical way of life, one day, without prior notice, a teacher he knew during his studies in the world appeared at his doorstep. The teacher moved to live with Shlomo for a long period of time, guiding him through his extensive experience and helping him to establish the first Ditox clinic in Israel, which included detoxification processes including enemas and proper nutrition.
During the next seven years, the clinic gained momentum and provided treatment to hundreds of people who testified that the treatment had changed their lives (see article, Haaretz supplement, 1989)
During these years, Shlomo also experienced Vipassana and spent many hours practicing yoga and Taekwondo.
During 2003, he moved to the ecological village “Pacha Mama” in Costa Rica; Where he established the cleaning center (which he has until now), which is based on his extensive experience in the clinic. During this time Shlomo developed the MDT technique, which was designed to create a synergy of a number of spiritual and modern techniques, in
order to bring people to experiences what he had: “In my experience, I understood that the old techniques of consciousness (vipassana, yoga, The modern one, whose brain is busy with a lot of trouble and thought, so I believed that if I combined old and modern techniques, it would be possible to arrive in a short time for a profound change that would be enough to chart a path in a whole new way of life for people who have never experienced such things. “
After four years in Pacha Mama and the experience of hundreds of people and countless groups, Shlomo left the village, not before he trained therapists to continue his path (including two of the best known in Israel today: Omina Kedmi and Krona Yaron). Prior to his return to Israel, Shlomo went on a tour of several years in the world (Mexico, Brazil, Canada) where he taught workshops in the MDT method to large and diverse groups.
In 2011, Shlomo returned to Israel and met with Anati Ben-Kiki, producer, playback player and group facilitator for body-mind therapy, with whom he established a home and family in Israel: “In Israel I developed, together with my partner, the BODYFLOW, MDT and works on deep cleansing, heavy metals, ancient toxins in the body, filling the containers of minerals and vitamins in the body and opening the flow of the body, through Tibetan work, breathing, dancing, working with sounds, smells and colors. We dismissed the enemas and stayed with profound and sharp results, in a process that is also fun, pleasant and touching on an emotional and spiritual level. “
In addition to working in the workshops, Shlomo also developed special mixtures made of expensive materials, which are considered to be the most advanced in the world: “The mix was created as a result of the experience I accumulated for seven years in the clinic in Tel Aviv and another 4 years in Pacha Maman, About myself and brave friends who volunteered for “research”). I have reached the level of Duke and the combination of materials that enable deep cleaning in a short time without strong side effects.”
Today Bodyflow workshops are held mainly in the north of the country, in a calm and picturesque site, surrounded by green and peaceful nature; A perfect setting for the physical and mental cleansing process that the participants undergo: “For me, BODYFLOW is a healing energy that seeks to spread throughout the world and I am only in its service. This energy lives in me and guides me over the years, to the growth and development of every group that I accompany.”