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משלוח חינם בהזמנות מעל 600₪

Home based detox kit

At your own pace, in your home and for you specifically

Who it is for ?

Home-based Detox is designated for those interested in combining the cleansing process with their regular lifestyle, work and family life. It is also designed for those who prefer the comfort and privacy of their homes for the purpose of this process, and for those who wish to conduct a private and more subtle process than the detoxification seminar that we provide.


There are 3 detox kits

Which contain the ingredients and food additives that you'll need for detox at home.
These 3 kits come at different cleansing levels, starting from the basic detox and going up to the most advanced detox.
These four levels of detox offer a more subtle approach than our seminar, and yet these are meaningful and powerful detoxes.

Gentle cleansing and strengthening of the body during your daily life. A program of between 14 and 30 days in which we will combine your lifestyle with additives that will allow the body to cleanse and strengthen.
Our flagship program allows for a thorough and deep cleaning of the week with full support and guidance through our online training system.

Combines the home detox kit along with the personalization and personal escort of Shlomo Dharma. Meeting with Shlomo to determine the appropriate program and supplements.

For questions and more information about our detox kits

Please Leave your details and receive the booklet "Medication without medicines" – the complete guide to health in nature

The base for all detox kits

These are the basic materials and principles for cleaning.

The process itself is a rotation between unwanted toxins and desired nutrients – we strengthen the tissues, absorb and cleanse toxins and replenish the body tissues.

Of course, the diet accompanying the process is of great importance – the diet should be rich in low-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables (rice, potatoes, corn, wheat, etc.), proteins (eggs, meat, cheese, almonds) and fats (avocados, tahini); Or alternatively, based on a juice fast at home.

The role of the fibers is to adsorb toxins from the sides of the intestines and to create a movement which motivates removal of these toxins. This refers to heavy metals, decaying matters, decomposed and rotten food, food colorings, preservatives, genetically engineered and other kinds of additives that are inserted into the modern processed foods. All of these mentioned above are found in our body, and the fibers ingest these toxins and drive them out.

Its job is to nourish and rebuild the tissues while refurbishing
the mineral stock.

These are the basic materials and principles for cleansing. The process itself is a rotation. The tissues get bolstered, the toxins get absorbed, the body and tissues get nourished, and the process repeats itself in the course of a few days. Certainly there is great significance to the accompanying diet during these days. The diet should be enriched with vegetables and fresh fruit, and limited in carbons (rice, potatoes, corn, wheat etc.), proteins (eggs, meat, cheese, almonds) and fat (avocado, tahini).

A green powdered shake, containing high levels of chlorophyll and minerals. The stimulating material we use for this shake is the green powder. The green shake functions to renew and cure tissues and at the same time reduce the acidity of the digestive system, or as we call it, "The inner fire". The cleansing cannot be fulfilled when there is a high concentration of fire in the system.

In the advanced detox kits

Tablets containing bacteria that live in symbiosis with the human body, protect it and help with the digestion process. Extensive use of antibiotics, prescribed medicine, chemical drugs, alcohol, white sugar and fried food weakens and dilutes this bacteria population to a minimum. The physical sense that comes with it creates after meal heaviness, gas.

A professional tablet of probiotics contains about 5 billion living bacteria that renew the diluted population.

Cleansing capsules are natural vegicaps containing tree bark, leaves and roots of medicinal plants known for strengthening and disinfecting the intestinal walls and boosting the flow. These capsules function as gentle digestion catalysts, they are important for deeper cleansing in order to prevent a load in the digestive system, while hurrying the evacuation of colon waste.

The enzyme capsules contain full spectrum active digestive enzymes. These allow a higher ability than the body in breaking down rotten food and waste.

Capsules that assist in cleaning the blood by helping the removal of all of the free radicals and all of the waste created as a result of molded fat.

The Kits


14-30 days
Delivery within 48 hours
Basic kit
Advanced kit
Videos and lessons
Daily specification and web tracking
Shlomo's personal escort
Customised for you
Consultation meeting with Solomon

home based

7 intense days
Delivery within 48 hours
Basic kit
Advanced kit
Videos and lessons
Daily specification and web tracking
Shlomo's personal escort
Customised for you
Consultation meeting with Solomon

private escort

7 intense days+ private meeting
Delivery within 48 hours
Basic kit
Advanced kit
Videos and lessons
Daily specification and web tracking
Shlomo's personal escort
Customised for you
Consultation meeting with Solomon

For questions and additional info

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